The Board of Directors of the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation for Social Democracy is pleased to announce that BC Premier John Horgan will be the Keynote Speaker at its upcoming 50th Anniversary Dinner on November 15, 2022 in Ottawa.
The Board of Directors of the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation for Social Democracy is pleased to announce that BC Premier John Horgan will be the Keynote Speaker at its upcoming 50th Anniversary Dinner on November 15, 2022 in Ottawa.
Mental health distress from work regularly affects 6.5 million Canadian workers
OTTAWA -- Inflexible, unsupportive workplaces, work without much meaning, and jobs that don’t pay the bills are key factors causing regular mental distress to about 6.5 million Canadian workers, according to a poll commissioned by the Douglas Caldwell Layton Foundation.
By Jon Weier
For the second year in a row, the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation and the Institute for Change Leaders have partnered to announce the Jack Layton Activism Award!
Mental health in the workplace: Are we working well?
In the fourth episode, Rabble discusses the Foundation's upcoming report on “Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace” with project leads Jon Weier and Tom Parkin.
In the third episode of the Courage My Friends Podcast, Rabble speaks with Loly Rico of the FCJ Refugee Centre and Rachel Bryce, from the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers about the multiple issues facing those fleeing poverty, destabilization, the borderless crises of conflict and climate change and the responsibility of Canada to provide asylum.
In the second episode of the Courage My Friends Podcast, Rabble speaks with Ashlee Cunsolo, a leading voice on climate change and ecological grief, about the growing issue of ecological grief, how it is being experienced and the power that can come from mourning.
A childhood illness inspired the boy who was not big for his age and not from a wealthy family to grow up to make an important difference in the lives of every child and adult in Canada. Here is the little-known story of Tommy Douglas and his dream.
The Alexa McDonough Women’s Leadership Centre was officially launched to a crowd of over 150 people at Mt St Vincent University in Halifax.
The Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation and the Institute for Change Leaders (ICL) are honoured to announce the recipient of the inaugural Jack Layton Indigenous Leadership Award:
The Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation and McGill Univeristy's Max Bell School are thrilled to announce the inaugural winners of the Jack Layton Essay Prize for a Better Canada.
On the occasion of its 50th Anniversary, the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation has announced that Jack Layton was joining Tommy Douglas, MJ Coldwell and JS Woodsworth as one of its founders. As of January 2022, the charity will be renamed the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation.
The Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 was the largest strike in Canadian history. Between May 15th and June 25th 1919, roughly 35,000 unionized and non-unionized workers left their jobs. Factories, shops, transit and city services shut down. The strike helped unite the working class in Canada. Some of its participants including one of our founders; J.S. Woodsworth helped establish what is now the New Democratic Party.