Minutes From The DCF AGM - June 25, 2019
Held on June 25, 2019 at 7:00 PM ET
Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
September 24th 2002
NDP Caucus Services, Ottawa
In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Nanci Morrison
Chris Watson
Anne Scotton
Fraser Green
Howard Pawley
Jill Marzetti
David Woodbury
Ted Jackson
Lorne Ingle
Request to participate by conference call:
David Mackenzie
Call to Order
9:30 The Meeting was called to order by the President.
M/S/C that the agenda be approved.
M/S/C that the minutes of the last Board meeting be approved.
Presidents Report
The President's report was delayed until the AGM directly following the Board Meeting
The President gave a quick review to the Board. Stating that Bill Blaikie presented the Woodsworth prize this year and that the Beverlee Bell Scholarship will be awarded this year to a student studying development in third world contexts.
The President also reported that a bequest package will go out in the January mailing along with receipts.
The President reported on correspondence with Stoddart publishing re: a request from the DCF to buy the remainder of the M.J. Coldwell biography at a discounted price for placement in schools and libraries
The President reported that Lorne Ingle has resigned from the Board for health reasons.
The President moved that Lorne be thanked for his many years of service and immesurable contribution to the Douglas Coldwell Foundation
M/S/C That the Board thank Lorne Ingle
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's report delayed until the AGM directly following the Board Meeting
New Projects
The President reviewed the requests that the foundation had received.
She presented the Share request, regarding affiliating with SHARE and receiving alerts regarding our portfolio, the possibility of participating in shareholder actions as well as other benefits
M/S/C that the DCF take up membership in SHARE at $500.00 a year.
The President presented two requests for funding for conferences
The First, organized by Diane Mahon, is a gathering of Left academics to discuss themes of security and has requested $3000.00.
The Second, organized by CCPA, is a day long seminar on the theme of Canada-US integration and has requested $3000.00.
The New Projects committee recommended both projects
M/S/C That both Conferences be endorsed.
The New Project committee recommended that the Allan Blakeney film project and the request from the frontier Centre not be supported
M/S/C That the New Project committee's recommendations be adopted
Nominations to the Board
The President reported that with the resignations of Lorne Ingle and of Bill Knight
That there are two positions available on the Board
10:40 the Meeting was adjourned by the President.
Held on June 25, 2019 at 7:00 PM ET
DCF Board Meeting
Thursday, February 27th, 2020
19:00 ET
By Telephone
Karl Bélanger, Melissa Hunter, Mohammad Akbar, Rebecca Blaikie, Jon Weier, Derek De Vlieger, Diana Idibe, Chirs Markevich.
2. Adoption of minutes
Minutes of the July 23rd, 2019 meeting
3. President’s report:
Hope everyone is well. Mayor of Ottawa has asked people to stay home because of the coronavirus, thankfully we can hold our meeting by phone.
Transition has been happening. Our new treasurer will give us an update.
The group “Nos Communes, Our Commons” appears to have gone dormant. We were wise to set conditions to go along with the grant approval.
Work has been done to update our registration with Industry Canada. No progress has been made on the Stokoe bequest. 4Executive
4. Secretary’s Report:
Anne Scotton is unable to join us and send her regrets.
5. Treasurer’s Report:
Transition has been happening. Priority now is on issuing tax receipts. We have to handle a few manually. We have a lot of different systems which are more or less
compatible with each other, but things seem under control. We are issuing cheques to catch up on some accounts due.
5. b) Fee structure at Scotia McLeod
Good discussions with Scotia McLeod about our assets. They remain healthy.
Their proposed new fee structure, SM would be much more nimble in the markets as there are no commission minimums on trades. Currently, the commission minimum is $175. That does limit profit taking opportunities and specific positions when considering weighting in the portfolio, which we must do as our assets are now stock-heavy.
Motion: BIRT the Board authorizes ScotiaMcLeod to move the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation wealth management account into a Partnership Plus account, which modifies the fee structure from a Per Transaction formula to an annual fee based on the DCF assets.
5 c). Adoption of Treasurer’s report.
6. Progress Summit
The Progress Summit will be held in Vancouver. We will have a booth. Looking for volunteers, so if anyone is attending, please let us know.
The next TDI Institute will be held in May. Theme is Our City & the Green New Deal. We have been invited to take part once again.
7. Office Space
Mohammad Akbar has raised the issue of the DCF securing a new permanent space by buying a building. The CFS building is no longer on the market. Board members express general interest in doing so sometime down the road.
8. DCF 50th Anniversary
Next year is the 50th anniversary of the DCF. It is a good opportunity to complete the reboot of the DCF and move forward with the plan adopted by AGM two years ago. We should have a year of activity of events, maybe a gala? Jon Weier volunteers to coordinate the DCF planning.
The Institute for Change Leaders (ICL)’s proposal to create a multimedia project that tells the story of progressive campaigns, driven by Olivia Chow, is moving forward, with Tim Harper on board. Another application will be forthcoming at the next board meeting. Board members expressed once again their support in principle for this proposal.
9. Next Meeting
Board members agreed to look for a suitable date in late April/early May.
10. Other business
The Institute for Change Leaders (ICL)’s proposal to create a multimedia project that tells the story of progressive campaigns, driven by Olivia Chow, is moving forward, with Tim Harper on board. We are still awaiting their next application.
We have received news from Beryl Young that Tommy's Dream, a children’s book that tells the story of how Tommy Douglas's childhood experience with his own health inspired him to work toward establishing universal health care, is now going to be published by Louis Anctil, the publisher of Midtown Press in Vancouver. Target is the spring of 2021. An update application will be forthcoming before the next meeting.
11. Adjournment
DCF Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2019
6:00 ET
By Telephone
Karl Bélanger, Melissa Hunter, Mohammad Akbar, Rebecca Blaikie, Diane Idibe,
Jon Weier, Amy Boughner, Jay Ramasubramanyam, Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah.
Non-board member: Josh Bizjak
Adoption of Agenda
2. Adoption of minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting are read and adopted.
3. President’s report:
Karl mentions that there was a significant turnover of Board Members at the AGM, which is interesting and challenging.
The two committees charged by the previous AGM to review governance issues and the DCF by-laws made limited progress.
The DCF received a nice letter from a scholarship recipient and was read. The DCF needs to revisit its links with the different universities to strengthen the relationship and increase awareness.
4. Financial Report: No official report as the position is vacant, following the resignation of Emilie Taman. Karl gives a general overview of the financial situation. Our assets remain healthy. The DCF raised more money in the past year, thanks notably to a generous donation from the Flanagan Institute.
Minimal progress has been made on the transition. A full audit needs to be conducted before the end of the year.
Karl had a meeting with Scotia McLeod about our assets. They are proposing a new fee
structure, in essence moving to a fee-based structure from a per transaction cost. With the fee-based structure, our investors pledge to make himself available for board meetings and consult on the construction of a new investment policy statement. With a fee-based structure, we would be much more nimble in the markets as there are no commission minimums on trades.
Motion moved to ask the new treasurer to review, met with Scotia McLeod and report to the Board on a recommendation for the proposal.
5. Election of officers
President: Karl Bélanger
Vice-President: Rebecca Blaikie, Derek DeVlieger
Executive Secretary: Anne Scotton in abstentia, pending her acceptance;
Mohammad Akbar as alternate.
Treasurer: Melissa Hunter
6. Staffing
Chris Markevich has moved on from his position but has been elected to the Board, which will be helpful for institutional memory. Josh Bizjak has been helping out on a volunteer basis.
Motion moved to regularize Josh Bizjak’s situation by compensating his work on a similar contract as previous assistant, to be negotiated with the President.
7. Correspondence