Tommy Douglas, M.J. Coldwell, Jack Layton, and J.S. Woodsworth are all pioneers of social democracy in Canada. Our Foundation archive will honour them, and others, who fought and are still fighting for social democracy.
This archive is still being developed. If you have photographs, videos, notes, or anything else you think should belong in our archive, please email them to [email protected].
Tommy Douglas during a banquet
Tommy Douglas Saskatchewan Stamp
Tommy Douglas "The Birth of Medicine" Stamp
Tommy Douglas giving an impromptu speech
Tommy Douglas with Youth
David Lewis and Tommy Douglas
M.J. Coldwell speaking to a reporter
M.J. Coldwell speaking to an MP
Tommy Douglas and M.J. Coldwell
Tommy Douglas with Bill Blaikie
Tommy Douglas at a rally
Shirley Douglas and Tommy Douglas
Tommy Douglas shakes hands after becoming the first leader of the NDP
Tommy Douglas and MJ Coldwell shaking hands
MJ Coldwell and Tommy Douglas share a laugh
Tommy Douglas giving a speech at the first NDP convention
Tommy Douglas giving a speech
Tommy Douglas