
Tommy Douglas, M.J. Coldwell, Jack Layton, and J.S. Woodsworth are all pioneers of social democracy in Canada. Our Foundation archive will honour them, and others, who fought and are still fighting for social democracy.

This archive is still being developed. If you have photographs, videos, notes, or anything else you think should belong in our archive, please email them to [email protected]

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Tommy Douglas and the Quest for Medicare Book Launch RSVP
Carleton University Lecture Livestream rsvp
Dave Barrett Lecture Video
Audrey McLaughlin Interview
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This Giving Tuesday, Protect Democracy with Us!
2024 Jack Layton Lecture
The Lecture Series
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50th Anniversary Dinner Highlights
BC Premier John Horgan's Keynote
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Defend Public Healthcare
The Alexa McDonough Lecture
Alexa McDonough Womens’ Leadership Centre
50th Anniversary Dinner Photos
The David Lewis Lecture

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