DCF Board Meeting June 22, 2006


Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
June 22, 2006
Ottawa, ON.

Tessa Hebb, Pat Kerwin, Kealey Cummings, Marion Dewar, Fraser Green, Ted Jackson

By Phone:
Anne Scotton, Joy Langan, David Mackenzie, Howard Pawley

Staff: Doug Massey

Robert Needham, David Woodbury, Lynn Williams, Jill Marzetti, Allan Blakeney, Frank Saptel

Meeting called to order by Tessa Hebb at 2:00 p.m.

1. Adopt March 13th, 2006 Minutes

2. Motion to suspend regular reports as this is a special meeting to deal with The 2006 Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Award.

3. Projects submitted were reviewed (below is a description of each submission)

Theatre Direct Canada (Toronto, ON)
Theatre company started in 1976 which has produced 85 productions that have reached an audience in excess of 2 millions students across the country.

Particular production submitted – “The Demonstration” – democracy and youth, and its exploration of this theme through multi-disciplinary methods, youth—who often are disenfranchised or disinterested in “civics” – found the means to create positive change, the value of the arts in a political realm, and, perhaps most importantly, gained their voice.
Web site: www.theatredirect.on.ca

Edward Deibel (North Bay, ON)

Proposal for a child savings plan to be started by the government at birth that would cover off their education and retirement costs.

In addition proposal covers off Health Care, Poverty and the reduction of taxes.

Straight Goods (Golden Lake, ON)
We have previously supported this organization with a grant in 2002 for $5,000
“Persuading to Win” – a round table on the bold how the Canadian Left can regain the public imagination and discourse – 1 day event
Web sites: www.straightgoods.com www.georgelakoff.com

Shawn Lewis and Rob Hepburn (London, ON)
“The Justice League of Canada” – proposal for a comic book to be created in both paper and electronic versions. The submission suggests that the DCF would be the one “producing” this comic book.

Canadian Health Coalition with the National Anti-Poverty Organization and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Proposal for another “S.O.S. Medicare Conference”: A National Conference to be held in Saskatchewan

To build on Tommy’s vision for the future of Medicare and to heed his prophetic words that take on a new urgency under a Harper Government in Ottawa.

Note: one of the letters of reference was Tommy Douglas’ from December 18, 1979.
Web site: www.medicare.ca

Lee Pethick (London, ON – Published Historian)
Proposal to write a “social history” of the NDP in Ontario, that is, a book consisting of interviews with regular party members throughout the province. The book will preserve their memories of battles won and lost during their time in the NDP.

BC Health Coalition (Vancouver, BC)
Seniors Health Advocate Training Project

Working with the BC Health Coalition, the 411 Seniors Centre, and the Seniors Advocacy Project, the Seniors Health Advocate training project will seek to fill a gap in health services felt by individual seniors or family members who seek or would benefit from health advocacy. This project builds on the experience and success of the Seniors Advocacy Project. The project proposal emerged from an increase in demand for both health advocacy and health advocacy training experienced by both the Seniors Advocacy Project and the BC Health Coalition.
Web site: www.bchealthcoalition.ca

Toronto Disaster Relief Committee (TDRC) (Toronto, ON)
The 1% Solution Project
The 1% Solution project was formed out of the work of the Toronto Disaster Relief Committee. The focus of this submission is the 1% Solution Project. Although TDRC provides leadership on the national disaster in the Toronto area, it was recognized early that the implementation of a national strategy required the efforts of a countrywide initiative. Therefore, in March 1999, at a National Symposium in Toronto, the National Housing and Homelessness Network was formed. In developing this submission it is the work of the 1% Solution Project that strongly incorporates Tommy Douglas’ Vision. TDRC work develops local responses, research, policy development, and advocacy strategies that are then implemented and/or are disseminated, through our leadership role within the National Housing and Homelessness Network. Our partnerships are extensive and include the National Coalition on Housing and Homelessness, along with allies such as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Canadian Labour Congress, and the National Aboriginal Housing Association.
Web site: www.tdrc.net

Canadian Alliance of Community Health Centre Associations
The Canadian Alliance of Community Health Care Associations is applying for a $25,000 grant to develop multi-media communication tools that will demonstrate how Tommy Douglas’ vision for a “Second Phase” of Medicare” is already being realized in Community Health Centres across the country. The communication tools will promote Community Health Centres as a “required element” in the kind of health care system Douglas envisioned – one which focuses on prevention and the social determinants of health. Our positive approach will encourage governments to take a more proactive role promoting overall population health and well-being. We also anticipate re-energizing Canadians’ positive feelings about what Medicare can accomplish for themselves, their families, and the communities in which they live.

Community Ownership Solutions (Winnipeg, MB)
We funded this project in 2005 for $7,500

Our social enterprise Inner City Development Inc. with its three business units in construction, property management and janitorial provides employment opportunities for inner city residents previously on social assistance or unemployed. In addition to fair wages and benefits ICD provides education, training, social support, social networking, health care and most of all hope for a better future to its employees.

If COS is chosen for this award the funding will be used to:

i. Provide Hep B vaccinations to all of ICD’s employees.
ii. Assist in the matching funding for the company sponsored Individual Savings Account (IDA) program. The only company sponsored IDA in Canada.
iii. Off set costs associated with social and cultural events eg aboriginal sweats.
iv. Pay for contracted services of our social worker who provides a range of supports to all ICD employees.
v. Food for staff safety and regular meetings held over the lunch hour.
Web site: www.communityownershipsolutions.com

The Youth Activist Retreat (Winnipeg, MB)
The Youth Activist Retreat takes the form of an intensive weeklong program employing seminars and workshops to help participants develop their knowledge of contemporary social, political and economic issues, while learning how to organize effectively in order to affect meaningful change. This is a unique opportunity that allows youth from across the province and throughout Canada to learn about activism and equality as it pertains to Canadian politics. In a non-institutional setting, participants are given the chance to learn how to make a difference in their own communities in a caring and responsible way. Certainly there is no greater proof that a single individual can affect change than Mr. Douglas, whose accomplishments have changed the Canadian Political landscape forever.

Many people, the great majority volunteers, are working very hard to make the Youth Activist Retreat a memorable learning experience. The retreat has operated since 1999, taking many different forms, but always striving for the same goal. Last year, the project was a joint initiative of Student Unions, the National Activist School, and the Youth Activist Retreat. This year, we are teaming up with NewWAVES, a Women’s advocacy group, to focus on the role of women in social justice, equality, and politics. We are committed to targeting youth that are from marginalized communities, including low-income and unemployed participants. Retreat participants are not charged an attendance fee, and a travel stipend is available for those travelling from outside of Winnipeg.
Web site: http://youthactivistretreat.ca/

Workers Arts & Heritage Centre (Hamilton, ON)
Vision: is a Canadian society that recognizes, remembers and values the experiences and continued contribution of all workers, their unions, organizations, and communities to the quality of life we enjoy today.

Mission: is to join our efforts and expertise with others in order to communicate and preserve through artistic and creative expression, the historical, cultural, and contemporary experience of working people in their diverse identities.
Web site: http://www.web.ca/~wahc/

Each of the projects was presented and discussed. It was decided that while all the projects were very interesting, two in particular represented the broad vision we were seeking from the recipients of this award. The first was the Toronto Disaster Relief Committee’s 1% Solution for Homelessness and the Canadian Health Coalition SOS Medicare Conference. The Officers recommended that rather than a choice between these tow projects that we award two first prizes, one in 2006 and one in 2007.

Motion that the DCF award two - $25,000 prizes – one to the TDRC and the second to the Canadian Health Coalition. These prizes will be awarded at the NDP convention in Sept. 2006. The other projects will be given a letter either asking them to resubmit at a later time for future grants or giving them information on other avenues with other organizations to get the required support they need.
M/S/C: unanimous

4. Federal NDP Convention in Quebec City (September 2006)
We have a booth where we will be selling our DVD and displaying our new web site. Also having a draw for free DVD’s and also an ad in the Convention program.
Board Members are encouraged to give some time manning the booth.
Tessa, Pat, Fraser, Marion and Frank will be at convention.
Motion to give out a poster to each delegate at convention (smaller version of the one we sell on our web site)

5. Board Review – work of the Board is getting very busy.
17 Voting members active on the Board
However, we are looking for active attendance
Board members cannot miss more than 2 meetings without a valid reason as per the bylaws.
We may also consider adding to the number of voting members.

6. Volume 2 – DVD
Pat discussed his efforts with the Archives to obtain the video footage of Tommy Douglas in the House of Commons from 1977-1979.
Ed Broadbent has agreed to do introduction for the 2nd DVD

7. French Content
Ted asked if our materials are available in French.
Our web site, leaflets and posters have all been translated or are about to be translated and will be available in both official languages.

8. Calm Awards
Need to follow up on awards

9. Next Board Meeting to be on Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 10 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m.

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DCF Board Meeting - February 27, 2020

DCF Board Meeting 

Thursday, February 27th, 2020 

19:00 ET 


By Telephone 


Karl Bélanger, Melissa Hunter, Mohammad Akbar, Rebecca Blaikie, Jon Weier, Derek De Vlieger, Diana Idibe, Chirs Markevich. 

  1. Adoption of Agenda 


2. Adoption of minutes 

Minutes of the July 23rd, 2019 meeting 


3. President’s report: 

Hope everyone is well. Mayor of Ottawa has asked people to stay home because of the coronavirus, thankfully we can hold our meeting by phone. 

Transition has been happening. Our new treasurer will give us an update. 

The group “Nos Communes, Our Commons” appears to have gone dormant. We were wise to set conditions to go along with the grant approval. 

Work has been done to update our registration with Industry Canada. No progress has been made on the Stokoe bequest. 4Executive

4. Secretary’s Report: 

Anne Scotton is unable to join us and send her regrets. 

5. Treasurer’s Report: 

Transition has been happening. Priority now is on issuing tax receipts. We have to handle a few manually. We have a lot of different systems which are more or less

compatible with each other, but things seem under control. We are issuing cheques to catch up on some accounts due. 

5. b) Fee structure at Scotia McLeod 

Good discussions with Scotia McLeod about our assets. They remain healthy. 

Their proposed new fee structure, SM would be much more nimble in the markets as there are no commission minimums on trades. Currently, the commission minimum is $175. That does limit profit taking opportunities and specific positions when considering weighting in the portfolio, which we must do as our assets are now stock-heavy. 

Motion: BIRT the Board authorizes ScotiaMcLeod to move the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation wealth management account into a Partnership Plus account, which modifies the fee structure from a Per Transaction formula to an annual fee based on the DCF assets. 


5 c). Adoption of Treasurer’s report. 


6. Progress Summit 

The Progress Summit will be held in Vancouver. We will have a booth. Looking for volunteers, so if anyone is attending, please let us know. 

The next TDI Institute will be held in May. Theme is Our City & the Green New Deal. We have been invited to take part once again. 

7. Office Space 

Mohammad Akbar has raised the issue of the DCF securing a new permanent space by buying a building. The CFS building is no longer on the market. Board members express general interest in doing so sometime down the road. 

8. DCF 50th Anniversary 

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the DCF. It is a good opportunity to complete the reboot of the DCF and move forward with the plan adopted by AGM two years ago. We should have a year of activity of events, maybe a gala? Jon Weier volunteers to coordinate the DCF planning.

The Institute for Change Leaders (ICL)’s proposal to create a multimedia project that tells the story of progressive campaigns, driven by Olivia Chow, is moving forward, with Tim Harper on board. Another application will be forthcoming at the next board meeting. Board members expressed once again their support in principle for this proposal.

9. Next Meeting 

Board members agreed to look for a suitable date in late April/early May. 

10. Other business 

The Institute for Change Leaders (ICL)’s proposal to create a multimedia project that tells the story of progressive campaigns, driven by Olivia Chow, is moving forward, with Tim Harper on board. We are still awaiting their next application. 

We have received news from Beryl Young that Tommy's Dream, a children’s book that tells the story of how Tommy Douglas's childhood experience with his own health inspired him to work toward establishing universal health care, is now going to be published by Louis Anctil, the publisher of Midtown Press in Vancouver. Target is the spring of 2021. An update application will be forthcoming before the next meeting. 

11. Adjournment 


DCF Board Meeting - July 23rd, 2019

DCF Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2019

6:00 ET


By Telephone


Karl Bélanger, Melissa Hunter, Mohammad Akbar, Rebecca Blaikie, Diane Idibe,
Jon Weier, Amy Boughner, Jay Ramasubramanyam, Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah.
Non-board member: Josh Bizjak

Adoption of Agenda


2. Adoption of minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting are read and adopted.



3. President’s report:

Karl mentions that there was a significant turnover of Board Members at the AGM, which is interesting and challenging.

The two committees charged by the previous AGM to review governance issues and the DCF by-laws made limited progress.

The DCF received a nice letter from a scholarship recipient and was read. The DCF needs to revisit its links with the different universities to strengthen the relationship and increase awareness.

4. Financial Report: No official report as the position is vacant, following the resignation of Emilie Taman. Karl gives a general overview of the financial situation. Our assets remain healthy. The DCF raised more money in the past year, thanks notably to a generous donation from the Flanagan Institute.

Minimal progress has been made on the transition. A full audit needs to be conducted before the end of the year.

Karl had a meeting with Scotia McLeod about our assets. They are proposing a new fee  

structure, in essence moving to a fee-based structure from a per transaction cost. With the fee-based structure, our investors pledge to make himself available for board meetings and consult on the construction of a new investment policy statement. With a fee-based structure, we would be much more nimble in the markets as there are no commission minimums on trades.

Motion moved to ask the new treasurer to review, met with Scotia McLeod and report to the Board on a recommendation for the proposal.


5. Election of officers


President: Karl Bélanger

Vice-President: Rebecca Blaikie, Derek DeVlieger

Executive Secretary: Anne Scotton in abstentia, pending her acceptance;
Mohammad Akbar as alternate.

Treasurer: Melissa Hunter

6. Staffing

Chris Markevich has moved on from his position but has been elected to the Board, which will be helpful for institutional memory. Josh Bizjak has been helping out on a volunteer basis.


Motion moved to regularize Josh Bizjak’s situation by compensating his work on a similar contract as previous assistant, to be negotiated with the President.



7. Correspondence

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