Apathy is Boring is a non-profit organization that uses art and technology to educate youth about democracy and encourage community engagement.
Apathy is Boring
Apathy is Boring’s ‘Youth in Democracy’ Goals are:
• Increase youth volunteerism
• Increase youth voting rates in federal elections
• Build sustainable dialogues between community leaders and youth
• Increase consideration of youth issues by decision makers
Apathy is Boring was founded in January 2004 by three young Canadians who were tired of seeing their peers feel disconnected from our democratic system. Using a website, digital media technology, concerts, and a media outreach campaign, Apathy is Boring was able to reach over 500 000 young people in Canada in less than four months. After an extremely well received ‘get out the vote’ campaign in the 2004 federal election & another in 2006, Apathy is Boring has continued its work on democracy projects that create dialogues between youth and community leaders.
Since that initial campaign, Apathy is Boring has established itself as a respected voice on issues relating to youth and Canadian democracy. Through its interactive website, workshops, concerts & events, and cutting-edge programming, Apathy is Boring reaches un-engaged youth and provides them with tools to get involved in democracy.
Web site: www.apathyisboring.com
Awarded $5,000 - early
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