Legacy Gift

“To leave a legacy is to plant a tree in whose shade you will never sit.” Tommy Douglas

When we were young, our lives lay before us. We chose our paths, took on our challenges, suffered our defeats, and savored our victories.

It’s later in life when our legacies take on their importance. A desire to leave a legacy is a desire to know that one’s life has made an impact. That our life has contributed in some small way to the betterment of the world. That through our life we have improved lives for those who follow. It is a natural and honorable desire.

The Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation gives us all a unique opportunity. It allows us to lift our heads above the fray and look to the horizon. To pause and think about the future a generation from now.

We invite you to join in keeping the social democratic flame alive by making a gift to the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation in your will. Your legacy gift to the DCL will endow our future – and ensure that old and young people alike for generations to come will see social democracy as a viable and credible choice for Canadian public life.

Of course, this is not a decision to be taken lightly or quickly. As you ponder the footprint you’ll leave on this world, ask yourself; would I like to continue supporting the social democratic beliefs and ideals that are an integral part of my personal legacy?

If you would like to leave a legacy gift to the Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation please fill out the Legacy Pledge form on this page.

If you need more information on how to leave a legacy gift please contact us: [email protected]

“Tommy left us a rich legacy. I would encourage you to consider leaving the Douglas Coldwell (Layton) Foundation a legacy in your will so that the legacy of Tommy will be there for our grandchildren." 

Shirley Douglas

How much will you pledge to donate?


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