Donate to the DCF

tcd_portrait2_low.jpgYour gift - be it large or small - will give momentum to Canadian social democracy for years to come. As Tommy Douglas famously said "Courage my friends, 'tis not too late to build a better world". 

Since 1971, with Tommy as its first president, the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation and its donors have been committed to promoting education and research in social democracy in Canada. November 2021 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation!

From the day we opened our doors until his passing in 1986, it would have been Tommy Douglas himself asking you to support the Foundation. Today as keepers of Tommy's Legacy, we are asking you to continue to help build a charity he poured his heart and soul into with a donation.

The Douglas-Coldwell Foundation is a Canadian registered charity - Membership fees and/or Donations will receive a charitable tax receipt and are 100% tax deductible.

Online donations including membership fees will receive a charitable tax receipt by email immediately for one time contributions and monthly PayPal contributions will receive one emailed tax receipt for all your contributions this year early in the new year. Donations received by mail in our office and monthly banking contributions will receive a receipt by mail early in the new year.

Interested in determining your tax credit options - visit the CRA web site


Membership options

Young Member

  • Membership gives you voting rights at the AGM and allows you to run for the Board (see By-Laws for more information)
  • Reduced rate membership for those 26 years of age & under plus a charitable tax receipt


  • Membership gives you voting rights at the AGM and allows you to run for the Board (see By-Laws for more information)
  • Be involved in shaping the future of the DCF and receive a charitable tax receipt


  • Membership gives you voting rights at the AGM and allows you to run for the Board (see By-Laws for more information)
  • One time payment gives you a bigger charitable tax credit and doesn't require annual renewal



  • Receive a charitable tax receipt for all contributions.
  • Help us build a better world by supporting our projects.


  • Gifts of stock, mutual funds, and other appreciated securities* are now more appealing than ever because the capital gain in a qualifying gift of securities is exempt from taxation.
  • Donate shares and receive a charitable tax receipt equal to their market value, without triggering any capital gains tax.


  • Ability to plan to leave a donation through your will.
  • Keep the social democratic flame alive by making a gift to the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation in your will. Your legacy gift to the DCF will endow our future projects.

Take action

Tommy Douglas and the Quest for Medicare Book Launch RSVP
Carleton University Lecture Livestream rsvp
Dave Barrett Lecture Video
Audrey McLaughlin Interview
Help Fund Vital Research
This Giving Tuesday, Protect Democracy with Us!
2024 Jack Layton Lecture
The Lecture Series
Become a Member
2nd Annual Mouseland Gala
50th Anniversary Dinner Highlights
BC Premier John Horgan's Keynote
Make a Donation
Defend Public Healthcare
The Alexa McDonough Lecture
Alexa McDonough Womens’ Leadership Centre
50th Anniversary Dinner Photos
The David Lewis Lecture

Connect with us