The Story of Mouseland Renewal Project

*The Douglas-Coldwell Foundation is proud to announce we are undertaking a renewal project for the animation of the Story of Mouseland.  Join us in ensuring this renewal happens by becoming a member or donor of the DCF today. EVERY donation made will be entered into a draw for one of two of the claymation mice used in the new animation and anyone becoming a LIFETIME member of the DCF will have their name added to the credits of the new animation. *Must be received by December 31, 2016 to qualify.

We'll be posting updates as the project progresses.

Any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Defending Public Healthcare

We have some very important information to share and it is my sincere desire that you will read through to the end of this post and learn about an important project we’ve undertaken to bring awareness to a major problem our country is facing in our healthcare system, and to help bring proposed solutions to the attention of policy makers in our work to defend public healthcare.

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The Lecture Series
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