February Newsletter: Gala Highlight Video + Lecture Details and Research

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As promised we’ve got lots of news to share with you this month. The Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation had a banner year in 2023. We produced more special events, original content, research projects, and educational materials than ever before!

This year we’re building from that success. You’ll see us in more places with more exciting programs for you to participate in throughout the year. All of this growth is thanks to our supporters like you.

We hope you enjoy our update this month.

Highlight video of The Mouseland Gala now available

Thank you to everyone who attended our second annual Mouseland Gala. It was a privilege to have Leader of Alberta’s NDP Rachel Notley,  Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, MP Don Davies, MP Heather McPherson, and PIPSC President Jennifer Carr on our stage for a packed evening, celebrating the impact social democrats have in Canada. Thanks to the support of our donors and partners it was a huge success.

We got to hear from Rachel - stories about her career, lessons she learned from her father and during her time in office, and what social democracy means to her. We also heard the importance of anti-scab legislation, dental care, pharmacare, defending trans kids, and taking on corporate greed. If you missed it, don’t worry you can watch the highlights below:

Jack Layton Lecture: 

Time to Bust the Trusts and Cartels?

Addressing the Problem of Rising Corporate Concentration in Canada

The Canadian economy has long been served by small numbers of large businesses, but such “corporate concentration” has been rising over the past two decades. The result is higher prices and less choice for consumers, lower wages and worse conditions for working Canadians, and greater overall income inequality. Too many large businesses can now earn higher profits at the expense of Canadians, safe in the knowledge that few rivals will chip away at their entrenched positions. Don’t Canadians deserve a more competitive environment where businesses must compete for our scarce dollars?

What kinds of public policies should be used to increase competition in the Canadian economy? Policy can be used to prevent new corporate mergers, but what can be done to address past mergers that are now raising prices and harming Canadians? Are regulatory policies partly to blame by explicitly protecting Canadian businesses from foreign rivals?

This lecture on April 2nd at McGill Faculty Club in partnership with the McGill Max Bell School of Public Policy, will examine this under-discussed issue in the halls of power in Canada. The lecture will feature a panel discussion with Robin Shaban and Matthew Holmes moderated by Christopher Ragan.

Robin Shaban is an economist and policy analyst with a knack for simplifying complex concepts and a passion for tackling complicated policy problems through empirical research. Robin is a co-founder of the Canadian Anti-Monopoly Project, a think tank dedicated to addressing pressing issues caused by monopoly power in Canada.

Matthew Holmes has over 15 years of experience in executive leadership, government relations, public policy, non-profit management, and business development. As the founding executive director of the Canada Organic Trade Association, he helped develop national standards and a new regulatory regime. He is now the Senior Vice President, Policy & Government Relations at The Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

RSVP here: www.douglascoldwelllayton.ca/the_2024_jack_layton_lecture

The lecture will also be available live over zoom and a video recording available online post event.

New addition to the Lecture Series Tour: Carleton University, Ottawa

We are extremely excited to announce that we will be partnering with the Master of Political Management Program at Carleton University to produce an annual lecture event focused on Ethics in Government. Public trust is required for good governance and decision making, as it strengthens our democracy. It is in our best interest to advance ethical and professional conduct, civility, and respect to have the best outcome for Canadians. We are looking forward to the inaugural lecture in the fall - stay tuned for more details.  

The Lecture Series Tour now has 6 stops at 6 universities in 6 cities across Canada to promote the benefits of social democracy and educate people in what is truly on offer within our democratic system. We hope you will join us throughout the tour.  

New Research Partnership with Canada’s Building Trades Unions

In partnership with the Canada Building Trades Unions and collaboration with Earnscliffe Strategies, we are producing original research that delves into the topic of Mental Health and Substance Use.  

This new research project will build on the original, peer reviewed research published by the Foundation in 2023 with an expanded focus on how the opioid crisis and substance use relates specifically to workplace mental health and how extreme work environments can lead to mental health distress and substance mis-use. Workers may get injured on the job, or feel isolated in rural areas, but we must be there for them, just like they are for us - leading the way to a ‘green’ construction sector and building the homes we need. 

This data will be released at the Canada Building Trades Unions national conference in April and shared with key stakeholders and policy makers. It was Tommy’s dream to partner with trade unions to convene important discussions in Canada and produce original research. We are very appreciative of CBTU’s support and look forward to the conference. Stay tuned for more details.  

If you would like to support our research work please use this link to make a donation: www.douglascoldwelllayton.ca/research_fund

Ian Reid Scholarship

We are very excited to launch the Ian Reid Scholarship next week on Thursday February 29th in Victoria with the NOW Group at the BC Legislature.

In memory of him, the Ian Reid Scholarship will be awarded annually to 2SLGBTQ+ students committed to working in politics to promote the values and goals of social democracy. It is intended specifically for those pursuing careers in opinion research, strategy and communications.

Each year, the scholarship application will include an essay component on a timely issue.

Our hope is that with this year’s essay, we can provoke discussion on what is fueling hate, the best ways to combat it and to promote greater understanding equality in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Stay tuned for the application details which will be announced shortly. The winner will receive $1500 and the runner up will receive $1000. 

To make a donation in memory of Ian Reid and in support of this worthy endeavor please use this link: www.douglascoldwelllayton.ca/the_ian_reid_scholarship_fund

Much thanks to the NOW Group for initiating and supporting the Ian Reid Scholarship. For over 30 years, NOW has been working with governments, unions, non-profits and advocacy organizations to win victories for workers, strengthen public services and promote positive change

February PAC Drive

As many of you know both Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton were ferocious fundraisers. They knew that a strong donor base would help ensure the success of their work. And they were grateful for the generosity that was shown. The same is true of this charity.

This month we are committed to bringing on new members and donors through our annual PAC Drive. Pre-Authorized Contributions are the life force of our charity. Small monthly donations from supporters across the country help us budget throughout the year for all of our good work.

If you’ve been thinking about helping Tommy’s charity with a donation, this is a perfect time to act. We would like to invite you to please sign up for a monthly donation of $5, $10, or even $20.   

To become a monthly member of the Charity please use this link: www.douglascoldwelllayton.ca/membership

To join our Friends of Tommy Douglas donor program please use this link: www.douglascoldwelllayton.ca/friendsoftommydouglas

All donations to the Douglas Coldwell Foundation are charitable contributions and have the benefit of generous charitable tax credits. 

Please take a moment to sign up today!

Act Now for Pharmacare

When Tommy Douglas envisioned a universal healthcare system in Canada it included head-to-toe, inside and out healthcare coverage so that no person would have to choose between their health and their living expenses.

Our friends at CUPE have just launched a new initiative to help in the fight for universal access to pharmacare.

Nearly 3 million people in Canada can’t fill their prescriptions because they can’t afford them. The rising cost of housing, heating and food is making things much worse.

Prescription drug coverage shouldn’t be based on our job, work hours, or employer. It should be a universal right under our public health care system.

Act now! Please click here to add your name in support of universal pharmacare: https://cupe.ca/act-now-pharmacare 

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And that’s a wrap for this month. Stay tuned for details regarding the Lecture Series Tour, the Dave Barrett Lecture at UVic coming this spring, along with several other announcements!

All the very best,

Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation

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Defending Public Healthcare

We have some very important information to share and it is my sincere desire that you will read through to the end of this post and learn about an important project we’ve undertaken to bring awareness to a major problem our country is facing in our healthcare system, and to help bring proposed solutions to the attention of policy makers in our work to defend public healthcare.

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Tommy Douglas and the Quest for Medicare Book Launch RSVP
Carleton University Lecture Livestream rsvp
Dave Barrett Lecture Video
Audrey McLaughlin Interview
Help Fund Vital Research
This Giving Tuesday, Protect Democracy with Us!
2024 Jack Layton Lecture
The Lecture Series
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2nd Annual Mouseland Gala
50th Anniversary Dinner Highlights
BC Premier John Horgan's Keynote
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Defend Public Healthcare
The Alexa McDonough Lecture
Alexa McDonough Womens’ Leadership Centre
50th Anniversary Dinner Photos
The David Lewis Lecture

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